Wednesday, October 3, 2007

North Korea Disarms

The New York Times reports that it appears the 6- party talks have worked, and North Korea is ready to disclose and disable its nuclear weapons program, in exchange for 950,000 metric tons of fuel oil or its equivalent in economic aid. The announcement was made by China in Beijing today.

The United States has endorsed the agreement, but is waiting for approval from the other parties (South Korea, Japan and Russia).

"As part of the agreement, North Korea will make a full declaration of all its nuclear programs by the end of the year and will complete the disabling of its plutonium-producing reactor at Yongbyon.

Mr. Wu said that as part of the agreement, Washington would lead an expert group to the capital, Pyongyang, 'within the next two weeks to prepare for disablement' and would provide initial payment for the disablement activities."

The announcement comes as North Korea's Great Leader Kim Jong-il concludes an historic 3- day summit with South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun. It was only the second meeting between the two countries since a cease- fire ended the Korean Conflict in 1953.

1 comment:

C. P. Coleta said...

The key is how long the North will remain cooperative. What trivial matter will delay the agreement, and how much of our tax dollars are we payin them to act civil?

Also, I'm sure by now you've heard of the early-September strike by Israel in Syria. They struck a WMD facility provided by our truly, North Korea. It's interesting to note how much of a role that incident played in the negotiations?

Another point to take is the sudden empathy Seoul is showing towards the North (I can't spell the capital). The President's term is done early next year, and he needs his party to win seats. Always remember: domestic policy drives foreign policy. That's why the U.S. will never open our markets to African farmers.