Thursday, October 4, 2007

A French Connection is reporting that France has acknowledged Iranian nuclear efforts have brought the Shi'ite state to "run nearly 3,000 uranium centrifuges". This would give the Iranians the capability to build about a nuclear bomb per year. Diplomats based their revelation on an International Atomic Energy Agency's memorandum received in Paris. This all comes in a time, the report insists, when Paris is considering tougher measures against Tehran, quite possibly taking the issue up to the European Union.

At the United Nations opening of the General Assembly last week, French President Nicolas Sarkozy was adamant about not being weak with respect to Iran's defiance. Mr. Sarkozy said, "There will be no peace in the world if the international community falters in the face of nuclear arms proliferation," referring to the Security Council's attempts at curbing Iran's nuclear goals. His direct tone allowed President Bush to be less vigilant in his speech, instead giving the President some leeway to speak on global poverty and third-world development.

Although a war with Iran may seem imminent, it's obvious the European governments are much more willing to be involved in this measure than during the run-up to Iraq. Not only is there ample evidence of nuclear technological build-up, but Iranian rejection of the international community's demands begs for a committed diplomatic effort by leading powers to intervene. A nuclear Iran needs to be seen as a threat to the world's stability, not just U.S. interest and allies.

Warmongering always needs to be listened to carefully, yet taken with a grain of salt. If Iraq has taught us one thing, it's that vigilant rhetoric should never be substituted for the truth. However, Mr. Sarkozy has a point when he explains how the world can only live at peace when nefarious regimes, like that of Tehran, are pursuing peaceful ambitions, as opposed to trying to become a member of "the Club". A war with Iran would be costly, probably not quick, and require much more sacrifices than currently. Still, for the purpose of having a non-nuclear Iran, it would also be worth it.

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