Monday, March 17, 2008

Are you an SP? Take O'Reilly's Test, Pinhead!

The Culture Warrior himself, Bill O'Reilly, has a test on his website to help us, the humble viewer/ listener/ reader, identify ourselves as members of either the "Culture Warrior" camp or the Secular- Progressive camp. This classification seems odd to me, because it seems that just by taking the test or watching O'Reilly you're fighting the culture wars.

S- P has become the derisive term for gay- loving, environment protecting, stem cell researching liberals. They're ugly, dangerous people.

To find out if you're one, take O'Reilly's quiz. And if you fail, don't worry-- there's hope. Your diagnosis is to purchase (not necessarily read) O'Reilly's book Culture Warrior, a Culture Warrior hat, parka, tote bag, and coffee mug. Also, watch the O'Reilly Factor on Fox News at 7 and 11-- it has twice as many viewers as any show on any other cable news network.

The Culture Warrior Test
Are you a Culture Warrior or in the S-P camp? Take the test to find out...

1. Do you believe in "income redistribution"--that is, the government taxing affluent Americans at a higher proportional rate in order to fund entitlements to the less well off?
2. Do you believe the definition of marriage should include homosexuals?
3. Do you think suspected terrorists captured overseas are entitled to Geneva Convention protections-that is, the same rights that military people are afforded?
4. Do you believe that the USA, in general, is harmful to the world?
5. Are you against states legally mandating that parents be informed when their underage daughters have abortions?

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